Wednesday, October 31, 2012

You Can’t Love Someone Else Till You Love Yourself

I had loved this girl unconditionally. I did everything to make her happy, even though I was not happy. I gave her everything she wanted without thinking about what I wanted. Everything I did was not enough, she still left me alone. I was the nicest companion she could ever have wanted, but what went wrong? Let me explain!

You see, when we broke up, I came to realize, everything that I said above was not what was right but what was wrong in our relationship.

I loved her unconditionally without loving myself first unconditionally. I was so down on myself that I thought I didn't deserve anyone that loves me. And so I made this pedestal to remind me, every woman, in fact everyone was above me. If you saw me, you would think I was so strong and confident, but inside, I was really weak. I did everything to make her happy, where in fact I should have done everything to make myself happy, then she would be happy being with me. I gave her everything she wanted without thinking what we needed. I had permitted her to disregard my feelings, losing my respect for myself and thus losing her respect too. I was the nicest person to her but I was not the nicest person to myself. I let myself get hurt. I let myself became a trash to the person I loved. I had not loved myself enough.

Of all the things that have happened, I am still thankful that she came into my life. I have learned the lessons in love in the hardest way. In order to love another person right, you must first learn to love yourself. If you are happy with yourself, anyone you love will be happy being with you. Your own happiness should not depend on other person’s happiness, always put yourself first. By that time you make yourself happy, you will have learned how to make others happy too. Love yourself, how can you accept a woman and her flaws when you can't accept your own? Be confident about yourself; learn the power of the mind. If you think that you are nothing, you will become nothing but if you think you can be anything, then you can be. Remember, everything we have and will become starts with the mind, then it becomes reality, so start thinking great things about yourself and thus you will become great. You should not put anyone on a pedestal or above you. In love, we are all equal. Remember, God loves us all even though he is God. Lastly, always keep your dignity. You may lose everything else but never lose respect for yourself. If you lose that respect then everything anyone does to you will be just fine with you.

If someone treats you badly, don't treat them bad in return, just tell them you won't tolerate rudeness or disrespect, if they won't listen, just walk away. You don't need people who treat you badly in your life; you just have to let them go. It is always said we should be kind to others. I agree but I also say, be kind to those who deserve your kindness... Loving yourself isn’t that bad at all. Actually, it feels great. Be Blessed and love someone today!!

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